Raymond Hadisubrata
Raymond Hadisubrata is the Managing Partner and Founder of Oranye Development Company.
Before founding Oranye Development Company, Raymond was the Organisation Development Director at The Body Shop Indonesia. During 3 years with The Body Shop, he also once headed the Marketing, Commercial, Operations, CRM, IT, Human Resources and E-Commerce. He played a key role in the implementation of Balanced Scorecard system and initiated the Change Management Office and Knowledge Management function.
Prior to joining The Body Shop, he was the Director of Consulting for GML Performance Consulting, and he held several key positions with Festo Indonesia & Festo Germany. Raymond also worked as Senior Consulting at Premysis Consulting for his first consulting experience. Since 2017, Raymond is a part-time lecture at Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH).
With these combination of consulting and corporate working environment, Raymond steadily built up the experience needed to be your partner in development.
Alam Sutera, Inter Aneka, BPJS Kesehatan, BTN, The Body Shop, MidPlaza, Perum Peruri, Soewarna, Taspen
Mission & Vision
Business Plan
(Renstra, RJP)
BPJS Kesehatan, BTN, Pelindo I, Badan Informasi Geospasial
BCA, BPJS Kesehatan, BTN, The Body Shop, Indonesia Power, Kehati, Pelindo I
Strategy Mapping (Balanced
Aetra, Agro Jabar, Alam Sutera, ANJ Agri, AutoTranz, Inter Aneka, BPJS Kesehatan, Astra International, ATP, Banyan Tree, BCA, BCA Finance, BEI, BMJ, BPK, BRI, BTN, Bukit Asam, Bank Bukopin, Capella, Cipta Kridatama, Ciputra, CNOOC, Cogindo, Compassion, Danareksa, Darma Agung WIjaya, Departemen Perindustrian, Dharma Polimetal, The Body Shop, ESDM, FIF, Garuda, HPI Agro, Indika Energy, Indocare, Indometal, Indosat, Jasindo, JICT, Kamadjaja, Kapal Api, Karya Bahari Abadi, KIM, Kelompok Kompas Gramedia, Kresna Securities, Lapi Lab, Len Industry, Manulife, MBSS, Hokinda, ITC Finance, MegaRe, Menko Perekonomian, Konimex, Mikatasa, MMG, MPM Honda, Murinda, NISP Sekuritas, Nozomi, Odira Energy, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, Pelindo III, Perum Peruri, Pfizer, Pertamina Hulu Energi, PLN, Propan, Ranch Market, Semen Gresik, Sekretariat Negara, Showa, Sierad Produce, Star Energy, Teladan Prima Group, Toyota Astra Finance, Triputra, World Vision
Alam Sutera, AutoTranz, BCA, Bank Indonesia, Mikatasa, Nipponkoa Insurance, Pelindo I, Perum Peruri, Propan, Ranch Market, Tugu,
Job Profile
Alam Sutera, Bank Sumut, Bank Indonesia, BCA, Jasindo, JICT, Kementerian Kesehatan, Pelindo I, Pfizer, Tugu
Job Worth Evaluation
Alam Sutera, Eltran, Indoporlen, Jasindo, Hokinda, Nipponkoa Insurance, Ranch Market, Tugu
Workload Analysis (ABK)
Bappenas, Kementerian Keuangan
ALTO, BCA, Dharma Polimetal, Ipmomi, Jasindo, Kementerian Keuangan, LAN
Individual Performance Management
Aetra, BCA, Badan Informasi Geospasial, Bank Sumut, Bappenas, BRI, BTN, Geodipa, Jasindo, Kementerian Luar Negeri, Kemenpan/RB, LKPP, Merdeka, MPM Rent, Murinda, Pfizer
Aetra, Pelindo I, Abm Investama
Career Path
BCA, Dharma Polimetal, Jasindo, Kementerian Luar Negeri, Pelindo 1
Employee Engagement
The Body Shop
Reward System
Alam Sutera, Indoporlen, Tugu, ALTO, AutoTranz
HR Audit
Bappepam, DJA, DJKN, Kalbe Nutrision, Kementerian Luar Negeri
Corporate Culture
Bappepam, The Body Shop, LKPP, Soewarna, Cipta Kridatama, Sekretariat Kabinet RI
Process Management
BCA, BTN, Capella, Transportasi Gas Indonesia, Dynaplast, Sari Multi Utama, Mahaka Plant Freeport, Kementerian Keuangan, Surya Toto, Shinetzu, Gajah Tunggal, Astra Otopart, Mamasuka, MPM Distributor, Merdeka, BPKP, LKPP
Organisation Development
Coca Cola, Hokinda, The Body Shop, BCA, Jonas Photo, MPM Distrbutor, Laris Manis Utama, LKPP
Curriculum Design
ABM Investama
People Development
ABM Investama, BPKP, BKPM, BCA, Lembaga Administrasi Negara, Cogindo, Kementrian Keuangan, KASN, Indometal
Management Development Program
ABM Investama, BCA, Danone, Memory, MPM Distributor
Change Management
ABM Investama, ATR BPN, LKPP
Certified HR Management
BPKP, Ditjen Pajak, Freeport, Holchim, Indonesia Power, Kemenlu, Pelindo II, Pertamina, Telkom, Trakindo
Kementerian Keuangan
Certified Strategy Management
BCA, Kelompok Kompas Gramedia, Hokinda, Pertamina Hulu Energi
Kementerian Kebudayaan & Pariwisata, Kementerian Kesehatan, KESDM
IT Solution
Indometal (ERP)